Hazel on the way to PDA surgery.

Back from Surgery


Hazel on the way to PDA surgery.
Hazel on the way to PDA surgery.

Hazel’s surgery went well and she seems to be doing just fine. She got a stitch, which is preferred over a clip, to ligate the PDA. The surgeon said her blood pressure went up when the suture was placed, so that is a good sign that it stopped that bad blood flow. The nurse could no longer hear the murmur that was an indication of the PDA before. She is back in the NICU room for recovery, where she is resting peacefully. So far her stats look great! She is on room air (21% oxygen), her saturation is in the mid 90’s and her heart rate is within expected range.

Hazel after PDA surgery.
Hazel after PDA surgery.

We are so happy to have heard how well her surgery went and that she is already doing so well. Over the next week or so we should see her continue to improve.

Her brother Grant is also doing quite well. One of his blood cultures shows a fungal infection, which they are treating. He has not shown any indication that the infection is causing adverse effects so it seems we may be ahead of this a little and can keep it under control.

Grant snuggled in monkey sheets.
Grant snuggled in monkey sheets.

Meanwhile they have slowly re-started the feedings at minimal levels to see how he tolerates that.

Thank you everyone for the prayers and well-wishes, we appreciate them so much and are happy to see our babies starting to get better!

One thought on “Back from Surgery

  1. So glad that everything went okay. I am a friend of Steph’s, my grandson was born a micro preemie also. He was born at 23 weeks, 6 days, 1 lb 6oz. Born on Dec 5, due on March 29. He is now 6 months (2 adjusted) and doing well. Came home on May 1st, great May Day present. Those micro preemies are amazing!!!! I am keeping both of your children in my prayers.

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